Current Funding
- NIH/NIA: Revitalizing Cognition in Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease with Near-Infrared Photobiomodulation (MPI with Woods & Alexander); R01 AG-064587, 2019-2024
- National Parkinson Foundation: Revitalizing Cognition and Motor Symptoms in Parkinson Disease: A Pilot Study with Near Infrared Stimulation (PI)
- McKnight Brain Research Foundation: A Pilot Multi-site Intervention with Near Infrared Stimulation- Revitalizing Cognition in Older Adults (MPI with Woods & Alexander)
- NIH/NINDS: Interdisciplinary Training in Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration (MPI with Valliancourt); T32-NS082168, 2015-2020
- NIA: Determining plasticity of brain regulatory mechanisms related to emotion processing: A neurofeedback approach in aging and Parkinson disease (MPI with Ebner); R21 AG-057200
Other ongoing collaborative funding with
- Dr. Karen Hegland (NIH): Mechanisms of Airway Protection Dysfunction in Parkinson disease
- Dr. Asyegul Gunduz (NINDS) Closing the Loop on Tremors: A Responsive Deep Brain Stimulator for Treatment of Essential Tremor
- Dr. Michael Okun (NINDS) The Human Thalamocortical Network in Tourette
Recent Previous Grants
- NIMH: Dissociating Components of Anhedonia (MPI); R03-MH109336
- NINDS: Emotion Regulation, Execeutive Function, and Parkinson Disease (PI), R21-NS079767
- NINDS: Masked Faces in Parkinson Disease: Mechanism and Treatment (PI), R01- NS050633
- Ed & Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Program: Pilot Intervention in Mild Cognitive Impairment using Photobiomodulation (PI)
- Ed & Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Program: Algorithm in Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease (Co-I, Wicklund PI)
- Sante Fe Avmed: Re-Vitalize: Improving Memory in Older Adults via Mindfulness and Cognitive Training (MPI with M. Marsiske)
- McKnight Brain Institute: The Vital Study: A Platform for Enhancement of Cognition in Normal Elderly (MPI with M. Marsiske)
- NIA: Language and Executive Function in Parkinson’s disease -Effects of Dual task and exercise (Co-I, Hass&Altman, MPI)
- Michael J. Fox Foundation: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for treatment of Apathy in Parkinson Disease (MPI)
- NIMH: Digitizing the Face: Priming, TMS, and Hemispheric Asymmetries (PI), R01-MH62458
- Emotional Reactivitiy, Cortisol, and Temporal Lobe Dysfunction in Humans
- IPA “A Clinical Trial of rTMS for Treatment of Major Depression”