INS 2022
- Coming soon!
INS 2021
- Not All Memory Domains are Created Equal: How the Operationalization of Memory Domains Influences Classification of Parkinson’s Disease-Mild Cognitive Impairment Kenney, L.E., Lopez, F.V., Price, C. E., Jacobson, C., & Bowers, D
- Stacking Up Against Tradition: Computerized Tests of Executive Function on Global Cognitive Status in Parkinson’s Disease Lopez, F.V., Kenney, L.E., Ratajska, A., Altaras, C., Jacobson, C. & Bowers, D.
International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders 2020
- Clinician Ratings of Cognition Predict Trajectory of Cognitive Decline in Newly Diagnosed Individuals with Parkinson’s disease Lopez, F.V., Trifilio, E., Ratajska, A., Kenney, L., & Bowers, D.
APA 2020
- Classifying Cognitive Subtypes in Non Demented Parkinson’s Disease Patients: A Data Driven Approach Kenney, L., Lopez, F.V., Ratajska, A., LeMonda, B., Price, C.E., Jacobson, C., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.
- Cognitive Subtypes in Individuals with Essential Tremor Seeking Deep Brain Stimulation Ratajska, A., Lopez, F.V., Kenney, L., Jacobson, C., Foote, K.D., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.
INS 2020
- Apathy and Impulse Control Disorders: Rethinking the Motivational Spectrum in Parkinson’s Disease Scott, B.M., Eisinger, R.S., Gunduz, A., & Bowers, D.
- Neuropsychological Correlates of a Virtual Spatial Navigation Task in Older Adults Lopez, F.V., Lafo, J.A., Mangal, P.C., Trifilio, E., Thomas, K.R., Marsiske, M., Bauer, R.M., & Bowers, D.
INS 2019
- Re EXAMIN ing Executive Function in Parkinson Disease: Comparison of the NIH EXAMINER to Traditional Neuropsychological Measures Trifilio, E., Scott, B., Mangal. P., Helphrey, J., & Bowers, D.
- Subjective Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s disease: Evidence from the University of Florida-Cognitive Function Questionnaire (UF-CFQ) Lopez, F.V., Trifilio, E., Rohl, B.Y., Pandya, S.Y., Belser Ehrlich, J., Fernando, H., Scott, B.M., McFarland, N.R., & Bowers, D.
- The Role of the UF Deep Brain Stimulation Cognitive Rating Scale (UF DBS CRS) in Clinical Decision Making: Comparing Patients who do and do not Proceed to Surgery Rohl, B., Lafo, J.A., Lopez, F., Mangal, P., Scott, B.M., Trifilio, E., Foote, K.D., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.
APA 2018
- The UF-DBS Cognitive Rating Scale: Construct Validity in 270 Patients Rohl, B., Lafo, J.A., Lopez, F., Mangal, P., Scott, B.M., Trifilio, E., Foote, K.D., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.
INS 2018
- Re-Vitalize: A Combined Mindfulness and Cognitive Training Intervention in Older Adults Mangal, P., Maye, J., Trifilio, E., Butterfield, L., Thomas, K., Bowers, D., & Marsiske, M.
- Neuroanatomical Correlates of an Alternative Story Memory Test in Older Adults: The Left Trumps the Right Trifilio, E., Tanner, J.J., Butterfield, L.C., Mangal, P.C., Maye, J.E., Choi, A., Moreno, C.C., Marsiske, M., Price, C.C., & Bowers, D.
- Neurocognitive Affective Dysfunction in Dandy Walker Malformation involving the Cerebellum: A Case Study Belser Ehrlich, J., Mangal, P.C., Lafo, J.A., Bradley, M., Wicklund, M., & Bowers, D.
INS 2017
- Construct Validity of the University of Florida DBS Cognitive Rating Scale: What cues neuropsychology to raise a red flag for DBS candidacy? Lafo, J., Mangal, P., Scott, B., Trifilio, E., Foote, K., Okun, M., & Bowers, D.
- Modulation of Electrocortical Responses To Emotional Pictures in Parkinson’s Disease Mangal, P. Lafo, J., Renfroe, J., Scott, B., Bradley, M., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.
- A Tale of Two Stories: Comparing Logical Memory and Newcomer Stories Trifilio, E., Butterfield, L.C., Mangal, P., Maye, J.E., Selke, G., Marsiske, M., & Bowers, D.
- Emotion-Semantic Priming & Electrocortical Reactivity in Parkinson’s Disease Scott, B., Lafo, J., Mangal, P., Okun, M., Bradley, M., & Bowers, D.
- Symptom Dimensions of Depression and Apathy and Their Relationship with Cognition in Parkinson’s Disease Szymkowicz, S.M., Dotson, V.M., Jones, J.D., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.,
INS 2010 – 2016 – In Process
INS 2009 Posters – Atlanta, GA
- Role of Dopamine in Influencing Masked Faces in Parkinson Disease: Timing is Key
Bowers, D., Springer, U.S., Mikos, A.E., Syme, M., Sapienza, C., Okun, M.S., & Fernandez, H.H. - Arousal-Modulated Startle Reflex Hyporeactivity in Parkinson’s Disease
Miller, K.M., Okun, M.S., Marsiske, M., Fennel, E.B., & Bowers, D. - Declines in Memory and Processing Speed after Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson Disease
Mikos, A., Okun, M.S., Zahodne, L.B., Fernandez, H.H., Foote, K.D., Jacobson, C., & Bowers, D. - Characterizing Verbal Fluency Declines Associated with Unilateral Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson Disease
Mikos, A., Okun, M.S., Kirsch-Darrow, L., Zahodne, L.B., Foote, K.D., & Bowers, D. - Comparing Memory for Word Lists and Stories in Parkinson Disease: Disease Effect or Psychometric Artifact?
Zahodne, L.B., Nisenzon, A., Price, C.E., Bauer, R.M., Fernandez, H.H., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D. - A Reliable Change Analysis of Cognitive Declines One Year after Unilateral Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in Parkinson Disease
Zahodne, L.B., Okun, M.S., Fernandez, H.H., Foote, K.D., & Bowers, D. - Computerized Self-Ordered Working Memory Performance in Non-demented Parkinson Disease
Springer, U.S., Troche, J., Kuhn, T., Crucian, G., Fernandez, H.H., Rodriguez, R., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D. - Longitudinal Change in Apathy Following Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson Disease
Kirsch-Darrow, L., Marsiske, M., Okun, M.S., Foote, K., Fernandez, H.H., & Bowers, D.
INS 2007 Posters – Portland, OR
- Mild Cognitive Impairment: Memory, Cortisol and Hippocampal Volumetrics
Kellison, I., Price, C.C., Wood, M., Bowers, D. - Aging, Emotional Memory, and the Hippocampus
Mikos, A.E., Wood, M., Price, C.C., Bowers, D. - Mild Neuropsychological Prediction of Memory Performance in Parkinson’s Disease
Skoblar, B.M., Crucian, G.P., Anderson, A.M., Foster, P.S., Drago, V., Bowers, D., Okun, M.S., Heilman, K.M. - Investigating Facial Movement Asymmetries in the Spontaneous Expression of Positive and Negative Emotion
Springer, U.S., Conwell., E., Norton, J., Rosas, A., Bowers, D.
INS 2006 Posters – Boston, MA
- Apathy: An Important ‘Factor’ in Parkinson’s Disease
Kirsch Darrow, Marsiske, Mikos, Fernandez, Okun, Bowers - Apathy in the Absence of Cognitive Frontal Lobe Deficits: A Case Study
Kirsch Darrow, Kellison, Mikos, Bowers - Differences in Psychophysiologic Reactivity while Viewing Static vs. Dynamic Facial Affect
Springer, Rosas, McGettrick, Bowers - Enhanced Startle Modulation to Contamination Pictures in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case Study
Selke, Mikos, Springer, Okun, Goodman, Bowers - Improved Facial Expressivity in a Patient with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Following Expiratory Muscle-Strength Treatment
Kellison, Sapienza, Springer, Okun, Bowers - Memory for Emotional Words in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Mikos, Lopez, Price, Bowers - Patterns of Depressed Mood Symptoms Across Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, and Essential Tremor
Miller, Bowers, Fernandez, Jacobson, Foote, Okun
INS 2003 Posters – Honolulu, Hawaii
- Differential Contributions of Perceived Social Suppport and Surgical Outcome on Depression in Post Surgical ATL Epilepsy Patients
M. T. Rogish, D. Bowers, R. M. Bauer, and R. Gilmore - Digitizing the Moving Face During Non-emotional Expressions: The Emotion Priming Hypothesis Revisited
M. Hamby, A. Desai, D. Gokcay, D. Bowers - Diurnal Mood Variability Following Anterior Temporal Lobectomy
R. B. Parkinson, S. Bongiolatti, S. Eisenschenk, R. Gilmore, D. Bowers - Faces of Emotion in Parkinson’s Disease: Micro-expressivity and Bradykinesia during Voluntary Emotions
D. Bowers, W. Bosch, C. Peden, W. Triggs, D. Gokcay - Retrosplenial Contributions to Verbal Emotion Processing
G. J. Selke, C. R. McDonald, D. Bowers - Static versus Dynamic Measures of Facial Expression in Parkinson’s Disease
O. Pedraza, S. Bongiolatti, W. Bosch, K. Miller, D. Gokcay, and D. Bowers