Lab Almunus Dr. Laura Zahodne receives INS 2021 Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Catherine Price and to our lab alumnus, Dr. Laura Zahodne for receiving awards from the International Neuropsychological Society (INS)!…
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Congratulations to Dr. Catherine Price and to our lab alumnus, Dr. Laura Zahodne for receiving awards from the International Neuropsychological Society (INS)!…
Congrats to 2nd year, Lauren Kenney, who published a paper entitled, “The UF Deep Brain Stimulation Cognitive Rating Scale (DBS-CRS): Clinical Decision Making, Validity, and Outcomes” in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
A T32 training program that prepares University of Florida Ph.D. students for research careers in movement disorders has received five-year funding renewal from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The UF Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Training in Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration program trains doctoral students to become independent researchers whose…
Lauren will present her research during the “Blue Ribbon” Awards symposium at the 2020 annual meeting of APA in Washington, DC. Her project is entitled “Classifying Cognitive Subtypes in Non-Demented Individuals with Parkinson Disease: A data-driven Approach” and is based on her first-year project. Lauren is a first-year graduate student…
A team of scientists at the University of Florida and the University of Arizona will investigate whether exposing older adults at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease to near-infrared light may improve their cognition, mood and brain function. The Revitalize Study is supported by a $3.8 million grant from the National…
Francesca was awarded an NINDS funded T32 Predoctoral Fellowship on Interdisciplinary Training in Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration. The goal of this predoctoral T32 program is to develop independent investigators with programs of research in movement disorders which focus on the ABC’S of translational research: aetiology, biomarkers/ endophenotypes, and causative and…
Dr. Dawn Bowers and her colleagues, Dr. Adam Woods and Dr. Christopher Hess, have received a Parkinson’s Foundation Impact Award to pilot a novel, low cost intervention for improving motor skills and cognition in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. The intervention is based on positive neuroprotective and disease modifying effects of near infrared…
We are excited to welcome two new lab members. Lauren Kenny, B.S., and Adrianna Rataska, B.S., will be joining us in Fall 2019!…
Erin Trifilio and co-authors have been selected as one of two runner-ups of the Fourth Annual TCN/AACN Student Project Competition (The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Official Journal of the American Academy of Clinical Neurospychology). During this award cycle, TCN received 42 Competition submissions. From among these, 11 were accepted for publication. These…