Congratulations, Adrianna Ratajska! Adrianna and co-authors have been selected as one of two runner-ups of the Sixth Annual TCN/AACN Student Project Competition (The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Official Journal of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology). During this award cycle, TCN received over 40 Competition submissions. From among these, 12 were accepted for publication. These 12 eligible manuscripts that were rated by three reviewers comprised of AACN Student Affairs Committee (SAC) members. As a runner up in the Project Competition, Adrianna will receive a $500 award.
Ratajska, A. M., Lopez, F. V., Kenney, L., Jacobson, C., Foote, K. D., Okun, M. S., & Bowers, D. (2021). Cognitive subtypes in individuals with essential tremor seeking deep brain stimulation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1-23.